Vision - God

Scripture Reading - Habakkuk 2:2-3 KJV

2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.
3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry.

Today’s lesson will look at “Vision”. In this first lesson we shall start with “God’s Vision”. The reason we are starting with “God’s Vision” is because that is the whole foundation of life and everything associated with life as we know it. Yes, it is true that “God’s Vision” is all encompassing because The “Lord’s vision” includes everything whether living or not. Yes, “God’s Vision” not only includes all of creation but is the governing fact over all creation. There are two very important things to know about “vision” first and foremost “vision” spells out (shows) your will. We immediately notice in today’s reference verse that the man of God was instructed by God to write the “vision” first. However, the person writing the “vision” must keep in mind to make it plain while they are writing it. Making it plain means it can easily be read and understood. This means some people make their vision too complicated or hard to understand. Make it plain is God’s way of saying keep things simple, not deep interpretations due to complicated wording. We must keep in mind the intended audience while creating the “vision”. In God’s case “His Vision” is specifically for us (all-mankind), including all men, women, children and infants both here on earth and all those not upon the earth. We are purposely mentioning those outside the earth because God’s Will does include the saints that have passed on that are in Heaven and all the sinners who are currently in Hell. This brings us to the second thing that one must understand about “vision” which is “vision” sees into the future. Therefore “God’s Vision” is time stamped. We notice in verse 3 that the following terminology is used, “For the “vision” is yet for an appointed Time, but at the end it shall speak”. So please understand that any “good vision” must follow the same guidelines as God’s principles for imparting “vision” to others. Sharing “Vision” is exactly the same as sharing your heart in a clear and summarized (reduced) manner. The reason “vision” must be forward looking is because it gives direction unto today. It is said that, “Those who are in lack today had no place for “vision” yesterday and an empty picture for tomorrow begging for some vision today.” We (ihlcc) have found many people don’t truly appreciate all that “vision” does to give us a better life for today and tomorrow because only a select few people actually write their “vision” down so they can stay focused. Instead many people never get exact what they want but just seem to wander aimlessly through the trails of life. We (ihlcc) have found if you don’t write your “vision” down even you will lose sight of it and you will typically change your presentation of it depending upon who you are talking with and the circumstances you are dealing with at that time. Changing your “vision” is generally not a good idea because once you have already started down a certain path you gain some momentum so there is wisdom to finishing what you started and then going somewhere new after your accomplishment. Notice that “God’s vision” doesn’t change for He Is the same yesterday, today and forever and He (The Lord) has already written “His Vision” to us. “God’s vision” is His Word, yes, the Holy Bible and this steadfast “vision” shapes and determines our future, not just yours and mine but all creation. You see, faith friend, it really doesn’t matter if you think all religions get to Heaven because God’s Holy Bible said in John 14:6 KJV they don’t, “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.” Therefore if some choose to believe something different they are not following “God’s Vision” and their error to not follow God’s way will have very serious consequences following after. This is why we remind all people to clearly understand the subject of “vision” and most importantly “God’s Vision” because “God’s Vision” shall come to pass irrespective of what mere men think about God’s Will. God’s Will is “His Vision” for all mankind including a new born baby up to the very aged man who is about to take his last breath on earth. We highlight that “God’s Vision” invites all people to come dine with Jesus just as you are. The Lord continuously compels people to be saved and we will encourage anyone reading this article that coming to Jesus today is better than coming to Him tomorrow. Why is this? It is mainly because we don’t really know when God, the Father will send Jesus back to the earth but we do know if you don’t accept Jesus before the rapture (removal of His Church, His People, His Saints) it will be too late to accept Him as Lord later under this present dispensation of Grace. Please take God’s Word for it, that accepting Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior will save your life right now and guarantee a better (brighter) future including the promise of eternity with God for tomorrow. This is why we proclaim God’s Will is the exact same thing as His Word which is the exact same thing as “God’s Vision”. So in summary please remember dear Child of God that God has a “vision” for all mankind and “His Vision” for all people gives personal instructions for you. However, you will probably not understand everything there is to know about God but because God is clear and easy to understand anyone can know what they need to know about God to secure their life in Heaven and enhance their quality of life on earth. Since “God’s Vision” is for an appointed time let us (ihlcc) boldly proclaim in the Name of Jesus the right time to always obey God is “now” because according to 2 Corinthians 6:2 KJV, “(For he saith, I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation.)” So when an opportunity presents itself to obey God and/or to accept an invitation to have Jesus in your heart please do it right then without hesitancy or reservation. Just remember when you line-up your “personal vision” with “God’s Vision” for you, you are doing both God a favor and yourself because you need God immensely right now while you are in the earth and you desperately need His Salvation to make it into Heaven in God’s future. A bright and blessed future according to “God’s Vision” for all mankind that accepts Jesus Christ as Lord which includes you as a Blood washed Child of God. Always forgiven and never forsaken in the awesome Name of Jesus. Amen!